Michael Shikashio – Agressie bij honden

Over Michael Shikashio

Michael Shikashio is oprichter van AggressiveDog.com en richt zich met veel passie en kennis op het bijscholen van hondenprofessionals over de hele wereld zodat zij leren op verantwoorde wijze om te gaan met agressie bij honden. Hij is vijfvoudig voorzitter van de International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) en was in 2020 lid van het jaar van de Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT). Ook presenteert Michael de populaire podcastshow “The Bitey End of the Dog“. In deze podcast praat hij met de meest vooraanstaande experts op het gebied van hondenagressie.

Michael wordt wereldwijd gezien als expert en is veel gevraagd spreker bij conferenties, universiteiten en seminars. Ook in Nederland is Shikashio inmiddels een begrip bij professionals en we zijn dan ook zeer blij dat Doggo.nl Michael heeft kunnen boeken voor 2024!

Zaterdag 20 april

Behavior change strategies in aggression case

  • Dog to Human Aggression Cases: Behavior Change in Action

Mike will be showcasing real case studies, with video, demonstrating successful resolutions from start to finish with dogs who have a history of aggression. From safety to management to prognosis to behavior change.

  • Continue: Sleeping with the Enemy – Dog Aggression Directed at Someone You Love

Michael will discuss the reasons for this frustrating and stressful type of aggression. He will also highlight management strategies for these difficult situations where the dog and people are living together 24/7! And most importantly, Michael will outline effective behavior change techniques to encourage harmonious outcomes in these cases.

Dog to dog aggression

  • How to Safely Break up a Dog Fight

This presentation will dive deep into the tools and techniques that pet owners and professionals can use to safely break up a dog fight. Mike will discuss a variety of methods to safely break up the two types of dog fights that can occur — the “scissor fight” and the “vise grip fight.”

  • Intra-Household Dog to Dog Aggression

Dogs that live under the same roof and fight with one another can be one of the most difficult types of aggression cases to work with, let alone live with! Behavior change plans for working with intra-household dog to dog aggression, with real case examples, will be showcased in this session.

  • No! That’s MY Owner!” Helping Dogs That Fight Over Their Owner

How can we help dogs that compete over resources when the resource is the owner? This presentation will focus on restoring harmony between dogs who have a history of conflicts over their owner’s attention. Michael will review the setups for safety when working these cases, discuss the behavior change strategies that are most effective, and feature videos of these techniques in action. He will highlight how stationing behaviors can be incredibly helpful in these scenarios, as well as discuss when to incorporate operant vs. classical conditioning, and vice versa.

Zondag 21 april

Safety and defensive handling

  • Avoiding the Bitey End of the Dog – Defensive Handling and Leash Skills

This session will be all about leash skills, strategies, and equipment to incorporate to ensure safety for yourself, other people, and other animals when working with dogs who have a history of aggression.

  • Staying Safe in Aggression Cases

Dog bites can present serious ramifications, especially when under the supervision of a dog training professional. Before working an aggression case, it is crucial to ensure safety for all involved by setting the environment incorporating best practices. Proficiency in the requisite defensive handling techniques is also critical to mitigating disastrous outcomes. Michael will be discussing the consequences that can occur when dogs bite; the safety considerations to have in place before working an aggression case; and a variety of defensive handling skills that can be employed in emergency scenarios.

  • When SECs Happen. Proactive Handling for Sudden Environmental Contrasts

The dreaded “SEC!” We’ve all been there — a provocative stimulus suddenly appears in the environment, and the dog we are handling explodes with barking, growling, and lunging! In this presentation, Michael will highlight proactive handling techniques as well as ancillary measures to set the stage for success when in contexts where SECs are likely to happen. Proactivity is always better than reactivity in these cases, and Michael will be showcasing a variety of handling skills that can help dogs and their handlers in areas that can be fraught with challenges!

Consulting skills and working with humans in aggression cases

  • Client Consulting – Navigating Difficult Conversations, Improving Client Commitment, and Fostering Success

Effective communication with clients is an essential skill in aggression cases. The most common “communication hurdles” we can encounter as behavior consultants, and sample scripts to encourage client participation will be highlighted.

  • History Taking and What Really Matters

Aggression cases are complicated enough! A streamlined history taking process can greatly simplify assessing the reason(s) for the dog’s aggressive behaviors. Mike will take the audience through his history taking process and what questions are important to ask!

  • Prognosis and Realistic Goal Setting in Aggression Cases

One of the most crucial aspects of working an aggression case is to help clients and adopters understand the potential outcome for their situation. The prognosis is an essential tool for providing a framework for realistic expectations, and for avoiding burnout and compassion fatigue in our industry.

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