Doggo seminars

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Speakers since 2012

  • Michael Shikashio – 20/21 april 2024
  • Zsófia Virányi – 15/16 april 2023
  • Sue Sternberg – 6/7  en 9/10 juni 2020 (canceled due to Covid)
  • Chirag Patel – 29/30 juni 2019
  • Kathryn Lord – 16/17 februari 2019
  • Anindita Bhadra – 26/27 mei 2018
  • Kathy Sdao – 24/25 februari 2018
  • Alexa Capra – 10/11 juni 2017
  • Daniel Mills – 16/17 september 2017
  • Geert de Bolster – april 2016
  • Karen Overall – maart 2016
  • Susan Friedman – februari 2016
  • Geert de Bolster – september 2015
  • Jaak Panksepp – juli 2015
  • Simon Gadbois – juni 2015
  • Nando Brown – mei 2015 (i.s.m. HAS Hogeschool, Tinley Academie en Animal Event)
  • Claudia Fugazza – november 2014
  • Ian Dunbar workshops – juli 2014
  • Adam Miklosi – februari 2014
  • Ian Dunbar – oktober 2013
  • Ray Coppinger – september 2012

Sindhoor PangalMichael ShikashioZsófia VirányiChirag PatelKathryn LordAnindita BhadraKathy SdaoDaniel MillsAlexa CapraKaren OverallSusan FriedmanGeert De BolsterJaak PankseppSimon GadboisNando BrownClaudia FugazzaAdam MiklosiIan DunbarRay Coppinger

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