Seminar Kathryn Lord – Evolutionaire biologie en communicatie van de hond

Kathryn LordOver Dr. Kathryn Lord

Kathryn Lord studeerde in 2010 af aan de universiteit van Massachusetts. Zij deed daar samen met Dr. Ray Coppinger onderzoek naar de evolutie en de ontwikkeling van honden- en wolvengedrag.

Kathryn is op dit moment verbonden aan de University of Massachusetts Medical School waar zij wetenschappelijk onderzoek doet naar diercommunicatie (o.a. vocalisaties bij honden), evolutionaire biologie en zoölogie. Tevens doceert zij als gastdocent aan Hampshire College, in Amherst (Massachusetts).

Haar wetenschappelijke werk is gepubliceerd in o.a. de journals Animal Behavior en Behavioral Processes and Ethology. Velen kennen haar van haar lezing tijdens de SPARCS conferentie in 2014.

Foto rechtsboven credits; Monty Sloan.


Zaterdag 16 februari 2019

10:00 – 12:00 Introduction / Critical period of socialization
 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 15:00 Behavioral evolution and development – 1
In depth review of genetics and evolution and how they relate to the dog. Basics will be covered as well as latest findings in this area. We often hear dogs have evolved from wolves, but what is the evidence for this statement? We will discuss the basic science behind determining the evolutionary relationships between species, as well as the specifics of what we do and do not know about the ancestors of the dog.
 15:00 – 15:30 Pauze
15:30 – 17:30 Behavioral evolution and development – 2
Including practical discussion.

Zondag 17 februari 2019

10:00 – 12:00 The loss of parental behavior in dogs
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 15:00 Barking – What are dogs talking about? – 1
Is your dog trying to tell you something when he whines or barks, is he talking to you ? In this lecture we will discuss the communicative value of dogs’ vocal signals and the effect domestication has had on these signals. Background for studying bioaccoustics and why barking is interesting in particular will be covered. Kathryn will discuss her research on barking and the data she has collected. Also previous research on barking will be discussed and translated.
15:00 – 15:30 Pauze
15:30 – 17:30 Barking – What are dogs talking about? – 2



De Schildkamp
Leerdamseweg 44, 4147 BM Asperen

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